Loctite EA 3471 Fixmaster Steel Putty



Loctite EA 3471 Fixmaster Steel Putty 1lb

  • Application Temperature : 15 to 30°C (59 to 86°F)
  • Color : Grey
  • Curing Type : Room temperature cure after mixing
  • Application : Metal Repair

LOCTITE EA 3471 is a 2-part, grey, non-sagging epoxy putty which is easy to apply with no need for heating or welding. Typical applications include repairing non-structural defects in castings, making jigs and fixtures, sealing vessels, tanks and valves, resurfacing worn air seals and filling cavitated areas. This product is typically used in applications with an operating range of -30 to +105°C.

  • Cures to a metal-like finish
  • Superior adhesion on metal surfaces
  • Bonds well to all metal substrates
  • Will not sag or shrink
LOCTITE® EA 3471 NA is a steel reinforced, two-part epoxy
repair putty that cures to a metal-like finish and can be
machined, drilled, tapped or filed. Typical applications include
repairing non-structural defects in castings, making jigs and
fixtures, sealing vessels, tanks and valves, resurfacing worn
air seals and filling cavitated areas. This product is typically
used in applications with an operating range of -30 °C to 105

Cure Speed vs. Temperature

The graph below shows the shear strength developed with time
on grit blasted steel lap shears at different temperatures and
tested according to ISO 4587.

This product is not recommended for use in pure oxygen
and/or oxygen rich systems and should not be selected as
a sealant for chlorine or other strong oxidizing materials.
For safe handling information on this product, consult the
Safety Data Sheet (SDS).
Surface Preparation

Proper surface preparation is critical to the long-term
performance of this product. The exact requirements vary with
severity of the application, expected service life, and initial
substrate conditions
Directions for use:

  1.  Remove dirt, oil, grease, etc. with a suitable cleaner, e.g.
    high pressure water cleaning system using Loctite® SF
    7840™ (Loctite®
    Natural Blue®
  2. Blast all surfaces to be coated with a sharp edged angular
    grit to a depth of profile of 75 to 100 microns and a degree of
    cleanliness of Near White Metal (SIS SA 2½ /SSPC-SP 10).
  3. After blasting, metal surfaces should be cleaned with
    waterless cleaner, e.g. with Loctite® SF 7611™ (Loctite®
    Strength Parts Cleaner), and be coated before any oxidation
    or contamination takes place.
  4. Metal that has been in contact with salt solutions, e.g.
    seawater, should be grit blasted, high-pressure water blasted,
    and left for 24 hours to allow any salts in the metal to sweat to
    the surface. A test for chloride contamination should be
    performed. The procedure should be repeated until chloride
    concentration on the surface is below 40 ppm.


  1. Mix resin and hardener according to mix ratios listed or
    transfer entire kit onto a clean and dry mixing surface and
    mix material vigorously until a uniform color is obtained.
  2. Apply material to prepared surface by first forcing a thin
    layer deep into the texture of the substrate.
  3. Then Immediately build up to the desired finished
  4. If using to rebuild shaft, the following applies:
  • Machine the worn area down 3 mm (0.125 in) to
    produce a square shoulder on part. The material is
    stronger with a square edge versus a feathered
  • Machine a spiral cut in bottom of area to be repaired
    to provide mechanical keying into surface.
  • Apply excess product to ensure small shrinkage
    during cure does not produce depression.
  • Machine the surface to original dimensions prior to
    full cure, as the product is very wear resistant.
  • Visually inspect for pinholes and misses just after
  • Once the coating has cured, repeat visual inspection to
    confirm it is free from pinholes, misses and mechanical
  • Control thickness of the coating, especially in the critical
  • Perform a test with a holiday detector to confirm coating

To achieve a 6 mm (.25 in) thickness, the coverage rate will
be 278cm² (43in²) for 0.45kg (1lb), excluding overthickness,
repairs, etc.

Any voids, pinholes, or low thickness areas found in the
coating should be repaired by lightly abrading, cleaning, and
applying further product.

Immediately after use clean tools with suitable cleaner, e.g.
7070™ or a solvent such as acetone or isopropyl
alcohol. Once cured, the material can only be removed
Technical Tips for Working With Epoxies

Environmental Conditions
  • Relative humidity: <85%
  • Ambient temperature: >15°C (60F) and rising
  • Substrate temperature must always be 3°C (7F) higher than the dew point to avoid condensing moisture on parts.
Working time and cure depends on temperature and mass:
  • The higher the temperature, the faster the cure.
  • The larger the mass of material mixed, the faster the cure.
To speed the cure of epoxies at low temperatures:
  • Store epoxy at room temperature.
  • Pre-heat repair surface until warm to the touch.
To slow the cure of epoxies at high temperatures:
  •  Mix epoxy in small masses to prevent rapid curing.
  • Cool resin/hardener component(s).
Not for product specifications

The technical data contained herein are intended as reference
only. Please contact your local quality department for
assistance and recommendations on specifications for this

Store product in the unopened container in a dry location.
Storage information may be indicated on the product container
Optimal Storage: 8 °C to 21 °C. Storage below 8 °C or
greater than 28 °C can adversely affect product properties.
Material removed from containers may be contaminated during
use. Do not return product to the original container. Henkel
Corporation cannot assume responsibility for product which
has been contaminated or stored under conditions other than
those previously indicated. If additional information is required,
please contact your local Technical Service Center or
Customer Service Representative
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